
Become a member for as little as $50 per annum

The Bega Valley Data Collective is a member-based, not-for-profit community organisation. Your support in becoming a member will help us continue to provide access to valuable data for our community to enhance local decision making.

As a member you get exclusive access to content on this website as well as many other benefits.

Member benefits include


Exclusive access to data including data insights and data links. Data that can be used to secure funding and to enhance community-led decision making.


As a member you can participate in the operations of the Bega Valley Data collective and also have a say in our future by joining our management committee.


The ability to upload your organisations stories on our storytelling platform and use embedded data insights to add impact to projects and activities.

Wellbeing Framework

Members can be part of a developing community well being framework by collaborating with other members in community-led decision making at all levels.

News and Events

Members will receive regular newsletters and updates. Members will also receive invitations to webinars, online events and face to face workshops.

Custom Data

As a members you have access to custom data anlaysis and data dashboard creation for your organisation at a subsidised cost on a fee for service basis.

Membership Application, $50 per annum

After submitting your membership application you will be emailed an invoice for your membership fee and an email will be sent with your login details.

Contact us

Fill in your details below, and we'll get in contact.